God made each of us unique and with different talents, gifts, and interests. Here are a few areas at New Hope with opportunities to serve. If you are interested, be sure to fill out the form below. If you have a passion for an area not yet in place, be sure to make a note on the form below to let us know!
Team Leads: Keith Custer (Music)
The Worship Team features a heart to worship God through music. They meet Wednesday nights at 6pm to practice and Sunday at 8 am to practice before Sunday Service. The Team is always open to people talented with music and a heart for worship. If interested, you will go through a musical audition and a brief interview with a chance to express your heart for worship. The musical talents are not limited to specific instruments, but the heart to serve with the instrument.
The Tech Team responsibilities include running the sound board, visuals, and live stream in the sound booth, all to support the Sunday Morning Service. If you have a servant heart and interest in technology, the Tech Team is the team for you! Being a section of the Worship Team, we are there to support during Wednesday and Sunday practices.
We are looking for members of the body to support college students from UW-Platteville through opening your home, providing meals, being a resource or mentor, or any other way you are willing to support the college students in our congregation.
Team Lead: Tony Isabell
The Usher/Greeter Team is looking for individuals who have a heart for the people at New Hope. Responsibilities of members of the Usher/Greeter Team include welcoming in and serving the congregation on a Sunday morning, as well as a few Sunday morning logistics. This takes many different shapes and forms, so the Usher/Greeter Team is looking for people who are observant in attending to the needs of others.
The link below is a general interest form for the Ministry Teams. It is not a full commitment or verification of being on the team. When a form is submitted, the Team Lead will reach out to you for the next steps.